Saturday, September 09, 2006

My Passion

It took my trips to France to uncover what my passion truly is- traveling. There is something about surrounding myself with new people, culture, food, scenery, etc that stirs up so many facets of me which are normally lying dormant. I feel more alive, positive and adventurous then my stereotypical suburban life can seem to match.

I dearly miss my trips to France- having the opportunity to travel out of the country for work was an experience that changed me in many ways. I came home with a new outlook on people, cultures and how to live my life. Everyone I met in France was so engaged in LIFE. It is subtle at first and then it smacks you in the face when you return to the states. The differences are so defined to me now. I remember the late dinners where everyone was laughing and conversing to the wee hours of the morning hanging on each others words- laughing, drinking, dancing and singing. The French have an amazing ability to truly be in a conversation- the eye contact at first is uncomfortable and then you learn to not only appreciate it but crave it when you return to the states. There is a zest for life there that I have had a hard time recognizing here.

Since then, we have replaced the beach vacations with our own adventures. Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, the Grand Canyon and Sedona AZ. Hiking outdoors in breathtaking scenery helps bring me back to those feelings of traveling in France. However, each trip always makes me wonder- is it time to move? Do I really want to stay in Missouri my whole life? How can I find my own mini-adventures in my day to day life of being a wife, mom and employee? Once these questions are answered I think I'll be headed closer to where I was meant to be.

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