Friday, October 13, 2006

Things I have done since I left work....

Received a running start hug from my 3 year old that almost knocked me over

Ate a burrito from Qdoba

Borrowed/Stole/Used tequila from my brother for the margaritas that are a requirement for eating Qdoba

Watched my 3 year old cry because he didn't want to take a bath

Watched my 3 year old cry because he didn't want to get out of the aforementioned bath

Checked my ever growing list of blogs for new posts

Checked my work e-mail- Ok, I need to get a life if this is how I'm spending my Friday evening

Listened to The Fray at a deafening volume in my car and sang at the top of my lungs- think anyone noticed?

Checked the weather for Sunday night- we have tickets to the Playoff game!!!!!!! Beer, hotdogs, baseball, a cold fall night and my hubbie- that's good stuff.

Listened to my son get the hiccups- one of the many unfortunate traits he inherited from his momma

Tried to talk my husband into watching a recent episode of Oprah- this is making me laugh as I type it. To my defense it's an interview with a NY Times columnist who released a book regarding the war, our President and the media's coverage of both.

Tucked my son into bed with the "bestest biggest hug ever"

2 minutes later listened to my son sound like he was climbing the walls- sleep, who needs it?

Picked my son up off the floor of his bedroom, sound asleep next to his books and put him in bed. He puts up a good fight against sleep but thankfully, sleep eventually always wins.

And last but not least, fixed one of my items posted earlier for some incredibly nasty grammar, must have been "margarita speak"



Anne said...

Yes I had a bit of a dryspell. I added a couple more items to the list since your post. And now it's time for my head to hit the pillow.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! She's back :) Your posts always make me laugh and crack a smile... and is always much needed!