Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Man, I love a good list (and some Easter grass)

I love lists- I'm not bashful about it. I like making them, I like checking things off of them and I like reading other people's lists.

My list for today- Things I successfully avoided on my day off:

The pile of laundry on the dining room table- you know if you avoid the pile long enough eventually people pilfer enough off and it magically disappears

The bills- although I did do a fantastic job of putting them in a nice little pile on my desk

Library fines- so maybe we have a few overdue books and videos.... what's another day?

Running- I think I'm going into hibernation, I'm eating a massive volume of food and avoiding physical activity at all costs

Reading the Backyardigans book for the 15th time this week- this was purely a stroke of luck on my part, I must have caught him at a weak moment when I slipped in a replacement

Shaving my legs- back to that hibernation thing, you need a good coat before winter comes

The pile of garbage/bills/pictures/important papers/etc on the bed in our spare bedroom- oh there is also some Easter grass you stuff in baskets, you never know when you'll need that

See, so really I was quite productive today. Go me.


Anonymous said...

the wonders & joys of a good day off! there is nothing like taking one, and then doing everything BUT the things you should do.

Anonymous said...

This is your mother! Remember that "Procrastination is the thief of time." Edward Young, Night Thoughts - 18th century.