Tuesday, May 01, 2007

To whom it may concern...

Maybe you mean well, maybe you have an agenda, maybe you are merely curious or maybe you are just a jerk.
This I do know, you need to stop. Stop asking, commenting and inferring. STOP.

Stop what you ask?

"When are you having another kid?"
"Your son is 3, aren't you ready for another?"
"You can't deprive your son of a sibling"
"Doesn't he want a brother or sister?"
"You can't have just one"

So to the bagger at the grocery store, the nosy neighbor, the well-meaning coworkers, the frazzled moms, the bankteller and everyone else- STOP.

Frankly, it's none of your business. Do I ask you your reproductive status? Do I ask you why you had 5 kids? Do I ask you why you had none? Hell no.

So while strangers, coworkers, etc. discuss our one child state, I'm going to turn around and return back to my world I treasure. A loving husband, a son that makes me proud to be a mother and our rascal of a puppy. A world where my husband and I make decisions that are best for us, not what strangers expect us to do. However, if we ever decide we will rely on others to make life decisions for us at least I know where to go- the grocery store.

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