Monday, April 30, 2007

Notes- #1

After a delightful dinner with a friend named Nor I decided- it's time, jump back in, you enjoy this.... the blog. The little place I dump my thoughts how random or uneventful they may be. However, it needs a change. Nor- please take this as a compliment- I'm borrowing your blog format. I'm getting too caught up in the day to day and it's time to slow down, observe, smell, read, laugh, appreciate, and care about life. A combination of posts and observations. So here it goes....

1. The smell of sunscreen on my son and the dirt under his nails, summer is coming!

2. Taking a drink, magazine and Saber (that would be the adorable puppy in the pic above) to the back patio and reading till the very last second of daylight

3. Sitting in traffic this morning watching the woman in my rear view mirror singing like there was no tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray! you are back :) i'm thrilled.