Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Letter to Aaron

So you are almost 3 1/2 and I have always promised myself that each Christmas I would write you a letter about the past year, your likes, dislikes, funny comments, moments that mades us laugh till it hurt.... The goal being when you reached a certain age I would hand over all the sealed letters and let you read them. So far I'm 0-3.

So let's consider this a compromise.

Your favorite things at the moment:
Wrestling with dad
Stars Wars Video game- and I pity the fool who tries to call it the Star Wars game to Aaron, "momma you forgot to say video"
Listening to "Song 2" with the dance move that comes at the chorus- "watch this guys!"
Reading to Mom and Dad the book "Marcos Colors"- you have an amazing ability to memorize books we read and then read them back. "Purple, Morada, Marcos you already know your colors!"
Matching your fruitsnacks to the characters on the box- a good momma knows you don't throw away the box that the fruitsnacks came in.... how else can you match the candy to the box?!?!?! P.S. I think you got this matching fascination from yours truly
The coat with the hood (aka Yoda coat)- One time your daddy throws a hood on his head and it's all over. What Daddy does, Aaron does.

Your current dislikes (subject to change):
Snow in your gloves- discovered after a wipeout with your first sledding trip
Turning off the Star Wars Video game
No "Jimmy Johnson car" carts left at the grocery store
Being woken up- "I wake up all by myself"
The tractor tipping scene from the movie Cars- "I no want to watch that part, it is scary"

My favorite moments with you-
When you crawl into bed in the morning and bend down near my face and in a quiet voice say "Momma, the sun is out".
When I pick you up from school and you tell me about your day- "I need to tell you something, I set off the fire alarm at school- it was loud and scary".
Singing in the car
Watching you beam with pride when you do something "all by myself"

A strange thing happened this year, you turned into a little person. An independent, persistent, absolutely hysterical, smart, caring, sometimes sassy 3 year old.
I appreciate your honesty- (sometimes in all it's inapproriate glory!), your sense of right from wrong, your bravery laced with a bit of caution, your goofy sense of humor and your reserved quiet side balanced by your dramatic flair. Even though you are growing up you are still just 3, and that "big boy" still wants the occasional rock in the rocking chair, a shoulder to cry on and a parent to hide behind when it all just becomes too much.

I love you very much,


Anonymous said...

in knowing the little man, that brought tears to my eyes... great post!

Becs said...

"Momma, the sun is out"...What did that just do to my heart? Lovely.

crabbykate said...

This is a beautiful post. It definitely captures some of the things I see in my own 3 1/2 year old - the odd balance between finicky and spontaneous.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way. I'll be back to yours.